跟著agnès b.遊遍巴黎!10個最愛私房景點大公開

專訪紅遍全球重量級法國設計師agnès b.,請她談談最愛的10個巴黎景點!抓緊腳步跟跟她一起遊遍巴黎!

1.藝術橋 Pont des Arts


“When go to Saint-Germain, I will take this bridge.” First iron-wood footbridge in Paris, it was build on 1803 and connects Musée du Louvre and École de France. Every night this place is full of young peoples and artists. From here you can have a great view of Point Neuf and La Seine River.

2. 煙囪餐廳 Le Fumoir


我和朋友每個月都會到Le Fumoir一次。這是一間迷人的餐廳,1997年開始營業,面對著羅浮宮的庭院,它的法國菜和溫馨的圖書館非常有名。“I go to Le Fumoir with friends once a month.” Opened at 1997, this charming restaurant facing the court of the Louvre is famous for its French food and a cozy library for reading.

Le Fumoir
6, rue de l”Amiral de Coligny 75001 Paris

3. 我的勃根第餐廳 Ma Bourgogne


A good place to enjoy a French food and beautiful scene from the Place Vosges, just try some traditional food like snail and Burgundy beef stew.

Ma Bourgogne
19, place des Vosges 75004 Paris

4. 羅丹美術館 Musée Rodin

這座建築物的風格是18世紀洛可可樣式,也是雕塑家羅丹(August Rodin)的博物館,寬廣的花園是休憩的最佳場所。
A building of 18th century rococo style, the museum of great artist August Rodin, and the huge garden is the best place to take a rest.

Musée Rodin
79, rue de Varenne 75007 Paris

5. 海軍餐廳La Marine


一個充滿法國風情的酒吧,可以眺望美麗的聖馬丁運河,總是聚滿人潮。因為距離agnès b.總部只有一小段距離,工作結束後,有時我也會到那裡走走。
A bar quite French style, with a great view of canal Saint-Martin, there are always crowd of people. Just several steps from the CMC agnès b., the designer goes here sometimes after work.

La Marine
55 bis, quai de Valmy 75010 Paris

6. 喬治餐廳 Restaurant Georges


一個風格現代的餐廳,是Dominique Jakob和Brendan MacFarlane所設計,在龐畢度中心的6樓,內部的裝潢擺設讓人十分驚豔,可眺望巴黎的風景也是這裡的特色之一。
A modern restaurant designed by Dominique Jakob and Brendan MacFarlane. At the 6th floor of Centre Pompidou, the interior decoration is something impressive; the view of Paris also is a benefit.

Centre Pompidou
19, rue Beaubourg 75004 Paris

7. 凡夫跳蚤市場 Marché aux Puces Vanves


A charming fleet market locates at south of Paris. Each weekend people come here to sell and find things interesting. An antique camera, silver tableware, baroque style chair…a place shouldn’t be missed.

Marché aux Puces Vanves
Avenue Georges Lafenestre and Avnenue Marc Sangnier

8. 哈士拜爾有機市場 Marché Biologique Raspail

122-07_cmjn-Fabian Charaffi

「我喜歡市場,來到巴黎,我非常推薦一定要來市場逛逛。」1989年設立的Marché Raspail,是巴黎第一個賣有機食物的市場,匯集了法國各地的新鮮食材,走在裡面能感受到當地生活的氣息。
“I like the market, and this one is highly recommended.” Created on 1989, Marché Raspail is the first biological market in Paris. Products came from all around the France are so fresh!

Marché Biologique Raspail
Boulevard Raspail between rue de Rennes and rue de Cherche-midi

9. OFR書店 OFR bookstore


A bookstore specializes at design, fashion, photography book and magazine. Good place to get some inspirations.

OFR Bookstore
20, rue Dupetit-Thouars (Carreau du Temple) 75003 Paris

10. 夏多布里昂餐廳 Le Châteaubriand


一個非常法式風格的小酒館,充滿30年代的氛圍,不妨來試試主廚Inaki Aizpitarte拿手的傳統美味法式佳餚。
A tasty French bistrot with a 30’s decoration. Come here to try some traditional and delicious French food by its chef Inaki Aizpitarte.

La Châteaubriand
129, avenue Parmentier 75011 Paris